Monday, 10 October 2016

What You Need to Build an App with your Class

You may have seen me going on about my new book teaching children how to code their own iPhone app... No? Check my tweets :)

But of course, my book isn't all you'll need if you're going to teach Y5 - Y8 children to code their own app. Don't get me wrong - it will help! There's no other book like it that explains the process for teachers in order that they can then teach their children without much technical know-how...

However, there is one key piece of equipment required - an Apple computer.

Why? Well, it goes back to how Apple have always worked as a company. They make things to work together. Your iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV - they all go together like ramalama... (you get the idea!)

When Apple first made it possible for regular people to create apps for their precious iPhone, they only wanted apps made in certain ways. It gave them more control over the App Store - which is undoubtedly a contributing factor in the success of the store.

But it did lead to one downside... You NEED an Apple Mac to do it. Now, that's not strictly true. It is possible to build apps for iPhones using Windows software but not in the way Apple intended and certainly not in the way highlighted in my book - From Classroom to App Store.

For some people, the fact you need an Apple Mac may be a dealbreaker - they're really expensive - right? Wrong!

When I first started making apps, I had a Mac Mini - a small Apple computer that plugs into your existing monitor and connects to your existing mouse and keyboard. And you can pick new ones up for as little as £450 on eBay (

Now, I'm not going to pretend that I use one. I don't. I have a couple of powerful MacBook Pros but I'm doing more memory intensive stuff and I need a more powerful processor and more RAM.

But to build the apps in the book, you don't. 

The book has been written to allow you to teach your class to code their own app with just one Apple computer. A lot of what the children do in the process - such as planning their app and making the artwork - can be done on Windows-based computers or even on Android tablets or iPads.

But you will need one app to collate the code, compile (run) the app and submit it to the App Store.

So whilst the book is a mere £23.99, to build the app, you will need some small investment at school to ensure you have access to at least one Apple Mac.

But teaching your children to code an iPhone app... surely that's priceless...

From Classroom to App Store is available now from Creative Educational Press Ltd priced £23,99 at